Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Day At The Zoo

So what is really amazing about teaching at Westlake is the opportunity to go on TONS of field trips! The woman who is basically in charge of Allison and I is in charge of allowing field trips and so she knows what is going on in each department. She wants us to get as much traveling/teaching/learning outside the classroom as possible. I think it is a great opportunity for Allison and I to experience a different aspect of learning – something we really never have been accustomed to.

So today Allison and I had the privilege to chaperone the Biology classes as they ventured to the Auckland Zoo! Allison is a science (mainly bio) teacher so she knew what was going on so she gave me what I needed to know and off we went!

Basically what Allison and I did today was look at animals – the students were studying about mammals and they had a packet they had to fill out so we were kind of no help to them. We arrived around 10 am and we had until 2 pm to venture around and see the sights. Some of the other teachers walked with us to the different exhibits so it was nice talking to them about animals, teaching, New Zealand, and just life in general. It was really great getting out of the classroom, looking at some interesting animals and talking with some interesting folks!

Below are some pictures from the day!! 

Kashin the elephant! 

My sister Kristin's favorite animal - white rhinos 

masked love birds aka my favorite bird ever. 

red pandas - there are two sitting in a tree :) 

he looks homeless! 


allison in a 10$ bill 

kiwi crossing :) 

beautiful flowers! 

giraffe running! 

 On another field trip tomorrow! Excited to tell you all about it :)


  1. Dont you ever teach???
    OMG all you do is go on trips.

  2. yes i teach - i go on an average of 1 field trip a week :) learning can happen anywhere you know that dad!
